When I engage on a page that I am a fan of I wishfully anticipate and hope that my post will be read or even interacted with.
Why does Facebook allow pages for charities, musicians, athletes, politicians, and companies? Because people have a need to identify with what it is that they feel makes them unique. People want to interact with what they think is valuable to them, and they want their friends and family to see that it truly is important to them. Blood donors are no different!
If you are a nonprofit blood center that is looking to sharpen your social media fangs and techniques, then just simply follow these three methods when creating your content:
- Create a strong call to action. Being a blood donor myself, the subject of donating blood is generally regarded as a positive thing that one person can do for another. The content you create should generally (and primarily) focus on the good that the action (donating blood) you are asking your donors to do can bring about. Couple that concept with the reaffirmation that your organization focuses first on people and you have a recipe for a strong call to action. Remember, people want to identify with people.
- Show appreciation to your donors. Considering the topic, this one is easy to do. Donating blood is an appreciated act, so why not take some photos of a few lifetime donors to show recognition and inspire others? Why not make a thank-you video to express your organization’s gratitude? Remember what I was saying about how people want to feel like what they are identifying with is personally valuable to them? These are the types of interactions that can help make your organization become more interpersonal with the donors that support it.
- Seek to continually educate. Facebook pages can also be viewed as hubs of information. If you have a donor center that has moved, make it clearly known to all your donors with a simple post on your Facebook wall with the new address. You can educate donors about combating anemia with a list post of foods that can help bring their iron levels up. You can even use educational methods when creating content to educate about certain promotions (or even your donor loyalty program) to incite donors to donate sooner. When you put an educational spin on the content creation process, the possibilities are endless.
That being said, and as always, I’d like to close out on an question to think about…
What type of content do you gravitate towards when interacting on a Facebook page?